NBC 12: If Stupid Instigates An Attack On Dunnavant In The Middle Of A Forest…

dunnavant_435px…yeah, we didn’t think you’d care either.  But we couldn’t resist.

Remember that HIPPA thing back in May?  Probably not… because it was so incredibly stupid that no one bothered to really even give it a second look.

Short version: someone really doesn’t like the fact that Dunnavant is doing so well in SEN-12.  So whaddawedo?

We wait until one week before the actual election and instigate a — gasp! — investigation!  As NBC 12 (amusingly) cobbles it together:

At the center of the inquiry are letters and emails from Dunnavant to her patients, announcing her intention to run for Virginia’s 12thDistrict Senate seat. The letters reassured patients the quality of their care would not be affected if voters elected Dunnavant to represent the West End of Henrico and western Hanover County.

However, concerns were raised when the letters, paid for by Friends of Siobhan Dunnavant, included several ways for her OB/GYN patients to become involved in the doctor’s campaign.

Of course, what spurred this?

That’s right — a hit piece from a low information Libertarian blogger.

So just in case you have an IQ over 50 and aren’t dissuaded by “investigations” where, many months after the fact, the accused will come out with a clean bill of health?  Did Dr. Dunnavant violate HIPPA laws?


…and why?  Because the confidentiality between the doctor and the patient was never violated.

Oh — we forgot that part??

Thus ends the politically timed investigation.

This is dirt simple, folks.  Political chicanery from certain folks bored that the elections are winding down to a Republican sweep orchestrated masterfully by the House and Senate Republicans — despite the best (or worst) efforts of a few — should be treated with the disdain they deserve.  Or humorous mocking.  Your call.

Congrats to the rodeo clown who brought this up, though.  You’re famous.  Mom would be proud.

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