Democrat John Bell: Sloppy Truth Twister or Deliberately Lying Scumbag?

It would appear that the same gang that brought us Gary McCollum: Phantom Reservist is now gearing up for John Bell: Really Desperate (Part Deux).

TL;DR version: Bell claims that Nguyen is releasing bank robbers on the streets to terrorize good people like you and me.


Just a tiny, itty-bitty detail that Bell’s campaign staff (and the Democratic Party of Virginia who signed off on the mail piece) forgot to mention?  It just ain’t true.

So here’s what happened…

Nguyen was a prosecutor for the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s office in Loudoun, busting up bad guys and playing a lawyer version of Captain America.  Nguyen begins prosecuting our local neighborhood bank buster.  Nguyen then buys a house in August 2013 (as small families do) and submits his resignation letter.  Nguyen’s replacement then plea bargains the case in September 2013…

…and here’s where the prevarications come in.

You’ll note that Democrat John Bell starts out mailing “Chuong Nguyen’s record” as above.  Here’s where things get fun… because the next slick doesn’t implicate Nguyen at all — but Nguyen’s office.


…with additional extra special scary handgun.

So here we go with the questions:

Who does Bell claim did this?  Nguyen?  Or Nguyen’s office?
Why did Bell feel the need to change his tune?
What influenced Bell’s decision to prevaricate between implicating Nguyen directly and implicating his “office”?

Two possibilities.

Either (a) Bell is just sloppy with the facts and twisted the truth, or (b) Bell is an outright liar who manufactured a story from whole cloth.

Whichever one folks would like to choose, Bell’s prevarications are a disgusting new low in Virginia politics.  Nguyen’s character is sterling, with a long history of doing the right thing by and for others.

Between McCollum’s truth-twisting, Edwards’ campaign violations, and now this?  A pattern of either incompetence or malfeasance among Democratic candidates is starting to emerge.

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