About last night…

There was a presidential debate Wednesday night. Political junkies knew that and some even managed to watch some or all of the marathon scrum.

What to think about it? If you already have a candidate who was in the main even, your mind likely wasn’t changed. If you haven’t picked a candidate, there were a couple of ways to look at this thing…

1. Is this the best the GOP can offer? Whoo, boy…gonna be a long campaign.

2. Carly Fiorina won. And she won big, because she was able to put Trump back on his heels (and make the blood rush to his face in the process):

Will her performance translate into a bump in the polls? It should. Whether that endures is an open question.

Other candidates made jabs, scored some points, showed some energy.

The one candidate from Florida who does have energy is Marco Rubio. Ted Cruz seemed to be the only one who understood the event was televised, and managed to talk to the home audience. Rand Paul — still intriguing, still falling. Chris Christie…um. yeah. Where are his votes going to come from again? John Kasich…continues to audition for “only adult in the room.” Mike Huckabee? No. Just no.

Trump? Dialed it back…or was that fatigue? And it raises the “Howard Stern Question:” is he really going to go through with this? What would Ann Coulter do without him?

Ben Carson. Humble — I get it. Were he running on the Coolidge ticket, it would be perfect.

Jeb…had a few moments. But cannot, and will not, escape the long family shadow.

The next debate is set for Boulder, Colorado. Drug policy questions sure to follow. But more importantly…drink plenty of water, folks. The altitude will get you.

Meanwhile…Hillary Clinton was getting the soft touch/humanity transplant from Jimmy Fallon:

Yep. Long, long, campaign.

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