Gilmore misses debate cut

NBC News notes that the line-up has been set for the GOP presidential debate on September 16th, and one candidate will not participate: Jim Gilmore…

Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore, who participated in the Fox News debate on Aug. 6, did not meet CNN’s requirements to earn at least 1% support in three polls conducted during a two-month period leading up to the debate.

As Paul Goldman and I wrote in the Washington Post on Thursday:

Now, Gilmore again is running for the White House. He currently ranks last among the 17 GOP contenders, with support so thin he may be the only candidate barred from the second-tier presidential debate next week.

Any journalist claiming to be Gilmore’s friend would have reacted far differently to the Virginian’s absurd call for a head-to-head debate with Trump.

Why not tell the truth? Gilmore isn’t going to be nominated for president.

Or get air time with the rest of the candidates next week.

It’s over, Mr. Gilmore. Time to bow out.

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