Victimhood and its enablers


On this podcast edition of “The Score” radio show…

Scott Lee takes a look back at the commonwealth’s rough week, specifically, the on-air murders at Smith Mountain Lake. Almost before the shooter was caught, let alone before anyone knew about his motives, politics entered the story. Calls for more gun control, even some on the fringe calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment. But what really bothers Scott is the murderer’s embrace of victimhood as a justification for his rampage…and those who stoke the fire of victimhood for political gain.

Speaking of which…Scott then turns to the latest missive from Trumpville, the maximum leader of which has declared Oreos anathema because Nabisco is moving its manufacturing facilities to Mexico. The reason for the move is due, in part, to the very high cost of sugar. Yes, Americans pay through the taste buds for sugar, thanks to a restrictive import regime that keeps cheap sugar out of the market (Marco Rubio, we’re looking at you).

And on the matter of Mr. Trump wanting to tax Ford for building trucks in Mexico…an idea the Ford truck driving masses at his Alabama rally applauded…well. Profound economic ignorance is definitely in vogue these days.

Plus, Chick-fil-A gets the bureaucratic snub at the Denver International Airport,the salaries of Virginians state workers have been released, and some are doing quite well, thank you, and double-think — it’s not just for George Orwell, any more.

“The Score” is syndicated across Virginia and can be heard on WLEE 990 AM in Richmond, WLNI 105.9 FM in Lynchburg, and WINC 1400 AM in Winchester. “The Score” is also a proud member of the digital Red State Talk Radio Network, and can also be heard on its broadcast affiliates and RedState’s own Roku channel.

“The Score” can always be heard on demand at Bearing Drift. Or you can take the show with you wherever you go through iTunes.

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