Forget Politics, The New Civ V: Beyond Earth Is Gonna Be AWESOME


After all, why are we doing all this politickin’ if we aren’t gonna enjoy it?

…by playing games simulating political situations, of course.

Those who know me know that I am an avid wargamer, and though the demise of Avalon Hill and SPI was a crushing blow to the many hours of misspent adolescence burnt on such games, computers successfully rescued my prospects for time-wastin’.

The Civilization series is the gold standard for computer strategy gaming right now, surviving five iterations (all successful, some more successful than others).  The new Civ V: Beyond Earth?  Looks phenomenal.

Of course, since my other standby favorite — the Total War series — decided to get its nerd on by developing a Total War:Warhammer game (don’t ask) rather than say, Empire II, Medieval III, Renaissance, or a time period we might actually enjoy (heck… Victoria: Total War?) it would appear as if Civilization will consume the vast majority of my free time.

…not that I have much of that anymore.

Watch the video.  Watch it, watch it, watch it.

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