Democratic Pressure Groups Run Up $224K Bar Tab; Complain When Taxpayers Pay The Bill

kitten_treeSo the rodeo clowns at Progress VA manufacture a legal challenge against Virginia’s congressional districts, pull off the moon shot, and then bark at the Virginia General Assembly when taxpayers have to pick up the tab for their farce.

Of course, Matt Moran over at the Speaker’s office gave everyone a laugh this morning:

Matt Moran, a spokesman for Howell, said Marston worked in an official capacity and this “politically motivated lawsuit” was the real waste of money.

He said the suit was paid for by “out-of-state liberal billionaires” and that ProgressVA is “simply doing PR work for this lawsuit and have a history of attacking the speaker and Republicans in the legislature. They would criticize the speaker for saving a kitten from a tree.”

Damn that’s good.  And it stung…

“We challenge the speaker to produce a single pay stub establishing that fact,” she wrote in an email. “He can look for the pay stubs when he’s done rescuing kittens from trees.”

Heh… thanks for playing, Ms. Scholl.

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