Fauquier County Doesn’t Like Your Second Amendment

soviet_fingerThe Fauquier Times has this oddity, where the local BOS voted 4-1 to ban the discharge of firearms from within 200 yards of a “regularly occupied structure” (whatever that means):

Scott District Supervisor Holder Trumbo, whose district includes New Baltimore, said “we’ve had complaints for quite a while” about the shooting and that more than one neighbor tried to reach out to Compton to try to resolve the issue.

“I don’t think anyone is blowing this out of proportion,” he said of the complainants.

“We could have gone the no-shoot route. This creates a scenario where neighbors are forced to work together,” Trumbo said, since the discharge of a firearm within 200 yards of a dwelling is allowed if the occupant consents.

How very Soviet of Mr. Trumbo.

Of course, since the pen is mightier than the sword, one might argue that laws prohibiting speech in and around “regularly occupied structures” up to 200 yards will be next on their agenda.

Alas, most folks haven’t arrived at the point that we should protect our 2A rights just as feverishly as we protect our 1A rights.

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