Stosch endorses Dunnavant

The worst kept secret in the 12th Senate district race is now an open fact:

Siobhan Dunnavant gets retiring Sen. Walter Stosch’s official blessing to take his place in the upper house.

Is this a good thing? It doesn’t hurt her in certain, moderate quarters of the district (and yes, they do exist).

But is it more of a bad thing? Many in the 12th recall that Stosch was not only a long-time foe of Senate conservatives (since back when they were few in number, but very active). And his support for tax increases, his concerns about Virginia’s many “bills in the drawer,” and his most recent advocacy of an ill-considered, poorly drawn, Medicaid expansion plan called “Marketplace Virginia” have left the district’s conservatives fuming…and eager to see him leave his Senate perch.

Considering the pool of primary voters in June will be small, more informed, and more ideological, it’s a safe bet to say this endorsement will add fuel to the Haley, Janis and Whitbeck campaigns. They now have, in plain sight, what could only be inferred before:

Walter has a favorite. A protege.

By the transitive rule of politics, his favorite is no conservative. Pretty hard for Dunnavant to run from that connection (assuming she ever intended to do so), and doubly so given Democrat Don McEachin’s “disappointment” in what he sees as her flip-flop on Medicaid expansion.

That, folks, was either McEachin playing a wicked game of “gotcha,” or the mother of all mis-statements. My nickel is on the former. Democrats have already let it be known they intend to name their general election candidate after Republicans pick theirs on the 9th.

McEachin is trying to game the outcome, even if it’s a little bit. Knock out Dunnavant? Maybe the Democrat can take down one of the more conservative contenders. She wins? Medicaid expansion is taken off the table.

Interesting play in a race that’s only become more interesting as election day draws near.

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