McAuliffe Bottomfeeds On Jade Helm



Terry McAuliffe has something to say about those overblown fears of a government takeover:

The Democratic governor blasted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for ordering his state guard to monitor the activities of the military’s training exercises in the state this summer in response to conspiracy theories that the government was using the operation as a cover to institute martial law, among other things.

“We’re too busy for that foolishness,” McAuliffe added.

Of course, McAuliffe couldn’t let it stop there:

Virginia loves the military, the governor said.

“So if Texas companies are watching this and say, ‘What a waste of time and resources with our guard,’ come to Virginia,” McAuliffe said.

Thanks, T-Mac.  Thanks a lot.  I’m sure that will generate zero minus jobs.

Of course, it’s a bit difficult to take any of this seriously when you have a handful of folks really trying to whip up a Second Civil War.  Yes… folks are actually doing that by making the argument — get this — that Obama is going to arm a bunch of gangs in order to create a race war:

“Has there been a civil war? Yeah, it’s a slow-burning civil war. What do you think we are looking at here? It’s a race war. These are their shock troops, they don’t have the brown shirts yet, they don’t have the armbands, but soon Obama could deputize them. Isn’t that a natural army for him, Alex? Take the Crips and the Bloods, give them a green uniform and give them a weapon and they’ll keep order in the streets. Won’t they?”

You know, maybe it’s a generational thing.

I just don’t get it.  And while I understand that there is a lot of money to be made whipping people into a frenzy, scaring the hell out of them, and then selling them emergency survival seeds (yes, this is a thing) or convincing people to invest in real precious metals like copper and lead?  I really don’t understand the passion, vitriol, or the imperative.

What are these guys going to think of next?

Well… here’s a list:

Obama is taking over Texas! (thought of that)
Obama is arming gangs! (see above)
Obama is going to put us in FEMA camps! (thought of that)
…and they’ve bought guillotines! (yup)
Obama is going to greenshirt his people! (that too)
The Mexicans (TM) will invade! (that too)
There will be a Second Civil War! (see Savage)
Obama wants a third term! (uh-huh)
Obama is cleansing the military! (yep)
Obama will initiate martial law through a black flag scenario! (yep)
Obama wants ISIS to kill as many Americans as possible! (that too)

This is all nonsense — puerile misinformation for weak minds, designed to get someone else to do your thinking for you.

Reagan used to believe in hard work, strong families, and expanding freedom.  None of this reflects Reagan’s values.  This is the sort of populism matched with Randian “me first” objectivism that buried America in debt caused by generational theft.  All this energy could be put into making jobs, restoring American culture, reviving our workforce, educating the next generation of free Americans on how to function and be productive members of a free society.

Conservatism was never supposed to be about a bunker mentality.  In the Reagan era, we laughed at the idea of a Fortress America.  Exercises such as Jade Helm in the Reagan era?  We’d have laughed folks out of the room.

This is what happens when the conservative movement gets hijacked by libertarian populism… and until conservatives start pushing back with equal energy and fervor, we’re going to continue to be defined by the fringes — not the fabric of our movement.

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