Obama No Show, Mitt’s a Go, Buckeyes are VERY #1

Obama No Shows in Paris

That President Obama decided not to attend a rally of world leaders in Paris Sunday should not come a shock to anyone who has watched this president over the last six years. He’s aloof, a raging narcissist, and focused on his goals. He is, after all, getting ready for another speech – the State of the Union. SOTU in your Twitter verse.

What is most telling is that White House spokesman, Josh Earnest told the DC press corps that he did not know what President Obama did on Sunday at the White House. Apparently, Mr. Earnest was not told or did not ask. But it’s time to have that question answered.

If President Obama did not go to Paris, his time was better spent doing what exactly? The White House is admitting that it erred in not sending a “high ranking official” to stand alongside other world leaders in solidarity against Islamic terrorism.

Maybe Obama was watching videos on You Tube that caused the attacks. It wouldn’t be the first time that the president’s whereabouts went unreported when asked.

Mitt Romney “looks like he’s in”

Yesterday, I received a text from a top 2012 Romney campaign staffer “Looks like he’s in”

This immediately places Mitt at the top of the January 2015 Most Likely to Be Nominated By the GOP in 2016. Whether you are gonzo for Mittens or not, there are several factors why he is THE most likely to be nominated by Republicans.

1) He was nominated last time. The GOP has a very strong tendency to pick the guy who finished second last time.

2) Money – the long withering nomination process depends upon money. Without it you cannot pay people or advertising which drives

3) Name ID – candidates have to saturate potential voters with free, earned, and paid media impression. Those impressions translate into votes.

Yes, I know X candidate is SO much better than Y candidate for any number of reasons, but what elections come down to are raising money and using that money to sell the candidate.

It’s not all about money, but over the long haul a candidate cannot raise money without the prospect of actually winning.

That’s why all polls matter. Especially now. Higher polling shows a higher probability of winning. Higher probability translates into more campaign contributions.

The Ohio State Buckeyes are #1 – twice.

The Bucks waxed the Ducks of Oregon last night. The score was closer than the game – it really was a thumping only made somewhat close due to four Ohio State turnovers.

Ohio State coach Urban Meyer should have had his quarterback take a knee to end the game rather than running it in for a meaningless touchdown. I thought – and still do – that it was a totally classless move.

Guess how much the Ohio State football team would be worth if sold on the open market according to valuation done by Ryan Brewer, an assistant professor of finance at Indiana University-Purdue University Columbus?

$1,127,600,000.00 Yes, one point one BILLION.

The Buckeyes are #1 in total market value and #1 on the field.

Congrats to THE Ohio State University. You’re #1.

Next time, take a knee to close out the game.

Remember, college should be about class.

Tar Heels notwithstanding.

Cross posted from Chris Saxman.com

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