Speculating on 2017

Tis the season for speculation, and while most folks are consulting the oracles for hints regarding the 2015 legislative contests, other minds are pondering the 2017 statewide races.

For Republicans, the contests for the three statewide offices have the potential to become a free-for-all, in which just about every name you’ve heard of in the last few cycles, plus a few potential surprises, could decide to make a run.

No, Ed Gillespie is not among them. And anyone who wants to make a run for the GOP gubernatorial nomination will have to get around Mark Obenshain. But the other races? Right now it’s a question of who isn’t thinking about getting in.

We may just have to bring back the Virginia Big Line for this.

But until then…who do you want to see make a run in 2017?

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