Poll: Comstock +12 in VA 10th CD race

A new poll out on the 10th congressional district race shows Barbara Comstock with a comfortable lead over John Foust:

CLF VA-10 Survey Executive Summary by CLFSuperPAC

Comstock is still under 50 percent and undecided vote is sizable. But the indications are Del. Comstock is heading toward a win.

Except…John Foust has scored a coveted endorsement. From Cosmo…because he supports women’s rights. Which is fine, if you ignore this , pretend Foust never said this and under no circumstances, ever bring up this.

But it looks as though Cosmo readers (who may or may not be a horde of 13 year-old boys) have other things on their minds, judging by the “most read” articles on the sidebar. “7 Ways to Get Perky Boobs.” “50 Nakedest Abercrombie & Fitch Ads of All Time.”

Yup. Other things on their minds.

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