(c) Phil Tran | www.facebook.com/PhilTranPR

NextGen GOP Launches With Gillespie, Del. Hugo

A large crowd of younger voters, ranging from those already involved in Virginia politics to others who were simply curious about the Republican Party, gathered in Arlington on Monday night for the launch of NextGen GOP. The agenda was simple – remarks from two leaders of the new group for young voters along with Del. Tim Hugo, the current House of Delegates Majority Caucus Chair, and Senate candidate Ed Gillespie.

The event came on the heels of a Washington Post/ABC News poll showing a dramatic preference among younger voters for a generic Democratic candidate and high disapproval of Congressional Republicans across all age groups. NextGen GOP spokesman Kishore Thota said that his group would focus on “building a coalition that includes our generation” that would “get out and spread our message” as Republicans to peers hesitant to support the party.  What will that mean in practical terms?  Working to build a network of younger leaders across the state so people can both meet their peers and engage existing party infrastructure.   In addition to more standard advocacy, it will also include an app that informs younger voters of key party meetings and other specific opportunities to get involved formally. “You won’t have to bounce around 80 events – we’ll make it fun,” said Thota.

In his remarks, Del. Hugo focused on the importance of getting people from different backgrounds involved and running for office. Speaking about broad conservative principles, Hugo said that “we’ve got the right message; we just need to have the right messengers… we’ve got to make the party bigger and better. We’ve got to have a big tent.”

Senate candidate Ed Gillespie emphasized how his campaign’s focus on economic growth is “completely consistent” with the kind of positive message younger voters are looking for. “People want to know not just what we are against but what we are for,” said Gillespie, noting wryly that he “won’t make it harder for you to be a next generation Republican than it already is.”

Speaking with Bearing Drift after the event, Gillespie discussed his view of what role could be played by another GOP group aimed at younger voters. “I think young people are looking for a way to get involved in the process and shape the approach of the party – how we as conservatives reach out and get our message to places that traditionally Republicans haven’t been taking our message to,” said Gillespie. “This is very much in sync with the kind of campaign we are running.”

When asked why has the GOP had problems reaching this part of the electorate, Gillespie stressed the need for outreach, saying that when speaking “to different organizations or media outlets, often I’m the first Republican they have heard from in a long time.”

What would he say to young voters who are interested in the Republican Party’s core values but hesitant to get officially involved with the party? “We have seen throughout history that the principles of limited, effective government are what foster economic growth and prosperity. When things get out of balance and there’s too much government intervention in the economy and government intrusion in our lives, what you end up with is what we have now,” said Gillespie, citing low labor participation in Virginia, low growth, increases in food stamps, and decreasing incomes. “With the right policies, we would unleash private sector investment which would open up all these opportunities for our young people.”

Cover image: (c) Phil Tran | www.facebook.com/PhilTranPR

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