Politico’s weird hit on Ed Gillespie

GOP Senate candidate Ed Gillespie was the victim of a “run-by fruiting” in Politico, which, under the headline of “Powerhouse GOP group snared in money scheme,” makes it appear as though Mr. Gillespie was up no good while he was chairman of the RSLC.

The curious can wade through the Politico piece and draw their own conclusions. But when it comes to Mr. Gillespie, even Politico is forced to admit (after many breathless paragraphs), that one of his big tasks when he became chairman was to clean up the place.

And there is this:

Gillespie’s Senate campaign represents the boldest attempt yet for a candidate to cross over from the world of heavy-spending outside groups into holding actual elected office.

Somewhere, Gov. McAuliffe is wondering when he became chopped liver in Politico’s eyes.

This whole story is, admittedly, only of real interest to the Kremlinologists and political junkies. But it’s also telling for a wider audience in that this marks the second time Politico has felt the need to take a swing at a Virginia Republican (the other being Barbara Comstock) in this election cycle.

Going after Comstock, who is in a competitive race for the open 10th congressional district seat, while shabby, is not totally unexpected.

Going after Gillespie, who according to all published polls trails Mark Warner by double digits, is just odd.

But it could also be telling. Is Mr. Warner a bit nervous about the national political climate? He should be. The sixth year of any presidential term is usually rough for incumbents of the president’s party and Warner, while nowhere near as vulnerable as some of his Democratic colleagues, nevertheless has to be concerned about a wave election. Those can sweep even supposedly unbeatable incumbents out to sea.

Warner isn’t in that camp. Yet. Politico just tossed him a line to help make sure he stays safe and dry.

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