Warner goes negative and it’s only July

So, Mark Warner must know something the rest of us don’t.

The last poll in the Virginia US Senate race has Warner comfortably ahead by 17 points.

Yet, today, we get this from candidate Warner:

And this from his campaign political director Kenyanna Conner:

“As reported by NBC 12, D.C. superlobbyist Ed Gillespie says that minimum wage jobs are “where you play in a softball league and go for a beer after work.” Gillespie also believes there should not be a federal minimum wage.

“For too many Virginians, you don’t go out for a beer after work, you go to a second or third job. And for working mothers and fathers, there’s certainly no time for softball.”

First of all, ignore the fact that the Obama economy has, indeed, caused families to have to work a second and third job instead of enjoying time with friends and family. I do appreciate Kenyanna’s honesty in that regard, noting that our economy is absolute disaster under the current Obama-Warner leadership.

That said, this is exactly why everyone hates politics.

Once again, a man whose grandfather came over from Ireland and worked as a janitor at a bank until 2 am to make ends meet for his family and a man who started off his life shuttling cars at the US Senate parking lot, is suddenly going to be taken out of context on his value of hard work?

First, listen to his appearance in Virginia Beach where the so-called quote comes from. You’ll hear it’s clearly taken out of context.

Next, watch his interview with MSNBC for yourself and tell me if Ed doesn’t value working Americans and what America must be doing to improve job growth – including creating entry level jobs:

Senator Warner knows better. His story is also to be valued, considering that the now wealthiest member of the US Senate began his private sector life living out of the backseat of his car.

But to take a disagreement on policy – whether or not to raise the minimum wage – and turn it into class warfare?

It’s unethical and telling all at the same time. The Warner campaign must sense that this campaign is on the verge of changing.

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