Card: The “Establishment” vs. the TEA Party: Myths vs. Reality

Leaving the Republican Convention in Roanoke, I was elated. We had dodged a bullet. A brash rookie was defeated by a life-long Republican combatant and we had a winning ticket – I thought. But my mood soured during a stop for dinner at Chick Fil-A, and an encounter with a TEA Party couple who had also just left Roanoke. We spoke and surprisingly, they were not happy.  What followed was a conversation that I have had many times about the direction of our Party and it always amazes me that some of this mythology continues.

Let me give you some background. At the first TEA Party event in our county, in 2009, my wife and I attended and enthusiastically waved homemade signs. However, we eventually left the TEA Party movement after an encounter with its Richmond leadership during a rally there. I was being recruited by them, but I was repelled by their pitch.  The private talk was peppered with insults directed toward honorable Republicans, pledges to “assassinate RINOs” and clean out the politically unreliable.  Though I had no ideological differences with the TEA Party – I had very serious issues with their tactics. 

Now five years later – these same issues bubbled up at the Chick Fil-A not far from Gillespie’s victory: 

The “they are attacking us!” argument – After years of TEA Party spokespeople and activists saying the most vile and frequently inaccurate things about honorable people – I am floored when a TEA Party member screams “they’re attacking us!”  Republicans have shown great forbearance and patience with people who have insulted them and worked to topple them.  News flash – we are entitled to our opinion.  If you are going to enter this arena, then put on your big-boy pants.  What made you think you were going to walk in and overturn the inertia of the Party that includes about 1/3 of American voters?  Conservatives who stayed with the party are happy you’re awake now – don’t stand outside and attack us.  The Party is a stew seasoned by the collective participants.  The more conservatives working, supporting, and running for office (party and public) the more conservative we will be. 

Party control of activities – The Party is blamed for forcing unacceptable candidates on the electorate and then for not doing enough.  Which is it?  If the Party was all-powerful, can someone explain to me which genius put up TWELVE flawed candidates for president in 2012?  What guru looked at 310,000,000 Americans and plucked John McCain to run in 2008?   Virginia’s Party is guilty of the jujitsu that changed the method of nomination from primary to convention in 2013 – but that was the work of the “conservative” wing.  Party muscle to be sure – but that doesn’t support the meme. This thought-process that the Party is pulling all the strings is pretty ridiculous, and our 2013 Convention proves this point.

In 2008 and 2012, we went through a nation-wide political process where the American people voted for McCain and Romney respectively.  As Chairman of my local Committee – is it possible for me to put my finger on the scales?  Technically, I guess it could happen, but it didn’t. But the answer isn’t to stand outside hurling accusations and insults – the answer is to help us clean it up. 

What difference does John McCain make now? – Whenever I ask a TEA Party person “What’s wrong with the Republican Party?” the answer is ALWAYS – it never fails – the answer is always a person.  “John McCain needs to shut up” – “Lindsay Graham is an idiot” – “John Boehner is a coward.”  All have an element of truth, yet they are also completely irrelevant to a Virginia voter.  If the most important thing is getting rid of John Boehner – move to Ohio, register to vote, and get rid of him.  For Virginians, the most important thing is to ensure that your mayor, supervisor, delegate, congressman, senator, etc. is a Conservative Republican.  One of the biggest problems is that the TEA Party and particularly conservative talk radio are nationalizing local elections.  That’s good if you’re a local guy after a dug-in incumbent – but Virginians must focus on helping Virginians win elective office.  Our battleground is in Virginia.

The “Establishment” . . . What exactly does that mean? – It’s now part of the national lexicon.  The Washington Post, after Roanoke, labeled Ed Gillespie the “establishment” candidate.  Talking to the TEA Party folks at the convention – you get a range of answers.  One friend got perplexed when I asked if I was part of the “establishment.”  I do it all the time now.  No one ever questions my conservative credentials.  But I’ve never left the Party.  His response was that he didn’t really consider me as part of the “Establishment.”  Honestly – apparently the “establishment” is anyone who isn’t you. 

Switch or rheostat? – People come in all political flavors – but my TEA Party friends see everyone as “friend” or “foe.”  An “on and off” switch.  In reality, people are more like a rheostat.  There are an infinite number of settings.  One’s settings may change throughout a lifetime of learning and experience.  A person who disagrees on a key point or two can go from ally to adversary in a heartbeat (think Marco Rubio).  Reality is much different.  This view creates an adversarial policy that has been killing us for years now.  You’re part of the problem if you’ve ever said, “it would be better to have a Democrat in there than a RINO.”  That’s just absurd!  Or “if they put up that RINO (or right-wing nut job), I won’t vote.”  What would have happened if all on the political right had voted for John McCain?  He wouldn’t have been a great President, but we wouldn’t have Obamacare now.  That alone should have driven everyone to vote for Mitt Romney later.  But the truth is the Democrats didn’t beat us – we beat ourselves stewing in our righteous indignation. 

Now in the aftermath of the Convention, maybe we can come together and stop worrying about our differences and focus instead on our strengths and similarities. Otherwise, we risk squandering the great opportunity that has presented itself to us in 2014 and – more importantly – 2016. For all of those who criticized Republican leaders for not supporting Ken Cuccinelli, now is your time to teach everyone a lesson with your actions and words. Ed Gillespie is our nominee, whether you voted for him in Roanoke or not. It’s time for us all to get behind our nominees and win in November. 

Bill Card is a Marine Corps Veteran, small business owner, and lifelong Republican, serving his 3rd year as Chairman of the Prince William County Republican Committee, the 3rd largest GOP unit in Virginia. 

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