Senate nears a budget deal

Well that didn’t take long:

A potential budget deal emerged Monday after the surprise resignation of a Democratic state senator.

The plan, as described by Senate Republicans involved in the negotiations, is for the Senate Finance Committee to meet Thursday morning. It will likely vote a budget deal – without Medicaid expansion included – to the Senate floor.

“If everybody’s pulling the same direction, we will then have a session,” said state Sen. John Watkins, R-Midlothian and a key negotiator on the state’s months-long budget and Medicaid expansion impasse.

There is still a very long way to go in all this, but one important thing to ponder is how Gov. McAuliffe and Senate Democrats were caught so flat-footed regarding Sen. Puckett’s resignation.

For a deal maker of McAuliffe’s reputation, recent developments have to sting.

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