Ignorance chained by hatred

The contest between Eric Cantor and David Brat for the 7th district GOP congressional nomination has been an ugly affair largely devoid of substance. But as bad as it has been, new depths of idiocy are discovered each day. Consider this gem which is floating around the ether from a group that calls itself the “Hanover Conservative Caucus”:


Yes, someone thinks this is smart political commentary.

It doesn’t even rise to the level of garbage.

Were this an isolated attack on Shaun, I might write it off as a wingnut playing with his or her demons. But it’s part of a larger pattern where some very small people have taken it upon themselves to tear Shaun down to their level, by any means possible.

This particular group calls itself “conservative.” It is no such thing. Conservatism is neither crabbed nor corrosive as this is.

Rather, it must be called out for what it is: ignorance chained by hatred.

And is it a coincidence that the web site from which this image emanates is a strongly anti-Eric Cantor site? No. It, too, is of a piece with what I have seen and read during the campaign.

It is despicable. All those who aspire to have conservatism grow and thrive have an obligation to denounce it.

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