Cantor goes on the attack

Well that didn’t take long.

Just a couple of weeks after brushing off his primary opponent, David Brat, Rep. Eric Cantor has coming out swinging against the economic professor, with both a television ad and a website. Via Ryan Nobles, we get a glance at the Cantor attack ad:

“Liberal David Brat.” It’s a line of attack that has the strong whiff of nostalgia to it.

And for those of us who know what the word “liberal” used to mean in politics, it makes the ad — quite unintentionally — hilarious (for more on that topic, go here).

All of this aside, it shows that Mr. Cantor has decided it’s time to play in the 7th CD, and do so with elbows flying. He has to, because, as I wrote on Monday, Mr. Cantor needs not only to put Prof. Brat away, but he has to do it convincingly.

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