Student discriminated against for being heterosexual

High school senior heterosexual male Patrick Farves took a big shot during his Central York High School assembly. He asked Miss America Nina Davuluri to his senior prom.

The York, Pennsylvania school leadership acted swiftly. The Principal and his cabal suspended the young man.

I’ve seen a few people roll their eyes at this decision, and some people actually defend it, saying the boy shouldn’t have showboated like that, and he was warned he’d be suspended if he asked Miss America if she’d like to stay more than one day in York, Pennsylvania.

But I’m not seeing any outrage. The suspension is three days, and it will be up before anyone really gets offended enough to make a fight about this.

Except me.

I think this is sickening, and for a much different reason.

The only reason this boy is suspended is because HE IS STRAIGHT.

Suppose Miss America was asked to Prom by a female student. Do you think for one second that this school Principal would come close to even considering suspending her?

Because if he did, what kind of outrage would you be hearing right now?

If a male student took time at an assembly to ask some male celebrity to Prom, does anyone think there wouldn’t be a national outcry and social war if the Principal so much as made a disparaging comment about the moment?

The Principal would likely be fired if he showed the least bit of insensitivity to the same sex prom date celebrity proposal.

But ONLY because this was a straight male asking Miss America to the prom, the Principal feels free to suspend the boy.

That, my friends, is discrimination.

If Principal Bigot wouldn’t suspend a gay student, and you KNOW he wouldn’t in a million years, he shouldn’t have suspended a heterosexual one either.

The only question now is will the ACLU and the myriad of leftest loudmouths come to the defense of a heterosexual male asking a female for a date.

Don’t hold your breath.

Miss America told the school to lighten up. I’d go a step further. This young man should sue the heck out of that school for putting a suspension on his record for the mere reason that he likes women and not other boys.

And to lefty activists, you know you’d be outraged if a gay student was suspended. You should be equally outraged by the suspending of a straight one.

Or guess what that makes you.

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