This is how you win a Medicaid debate

Imagine what the debate over Medicaid expansion would look like if the producers of “60 Minutes” had been advising Terry McAuliffe on his messaging rather than, say, whatever tin-eared PR strategist McAuliffe has been listening to all this time. If we use the “60 Minutes” segment aired Sunday night as an example, Mr. McAuliffe would be celebrating a Roman Triumph, and the GOP would be conducting an O.J. Simpson-like search for the real killer of its political hopes and dreams:

That’s how political debates are won, folks. No abstract concepts, no budgetary hijinks and no bizarre appeals to economic development, the well-being of hospitals or what it all means for business.

Pointed, individual stories of real Virginians who’ve fallen through the gaps in the health insurance system.

If McAuliffe’s people are half as smart as they tell themselves they are each morning, this is their new line of rhetorical attack. And Republicans had best have a better retort handy for it than “no.”

(H/T: Steve Minor)

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