Getting back to basics

On this podcast edition of “The Score” radio show…

Scott Lee is off in the wilds, so Shaun Kenney and I fill in as co-hosts. We spend our time talking about Shaun’s new gig as executive director of the RPV — what needs to be done to brighten the party’s future and whether that can be done when the organization’s two main wings are at cross purposes. Plus, our look at the Senate and House races.

Lots of getting back to basics stuff discussed here.

“The Score” is syndicated across Virginia and can be heard on WLEE 990 AM in Richmond, WLNI 105.9 FM in Lynchburg, WMBG AM 740 in Williamsburg and WINC 1400 AM in Winchester. “The Score” is also a proud member of the Red State Talk Radio Network.

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