Just Leave

The New York Times interviews Sen. Tom Coburn, who is leaving office before his term expires owing to prostate cancer. It’s worth a read, particularly this:

What’s a question you would ask of a candidate for federal office that doesn’t normally get asked? Will you agree to impose your own term limits? And: Have you ever been in politics before? Because if you’ve ever been in politics, I don’t want to vote for you. If you have term limits, then you’re more likely to have people in office who are not motivated by a career in politics. They’re going to be more likely to serve time and then go back home.

So I guess you won’t be staying here after you retire? No. Heck no. I contemplate and pray a lot about what I’m supposed to do. The one thing I know I’m supposed to do is to leave here.

Many, many more officeholders should follow his example.

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