The Doctor won’t see you

There’s a lot of chatter on the right about this video clip of President Obama saying, in a round about way, that yes, you very well could lose your doctor under Obamacare:

It’s all about saving money. And employers are in the habit of screwing with your health care anyway, so this is nothing new. Unless it is, in which case…you’re saving money! Or something.

The RPV wasted little time in trotting out the old Mark Warner video saying he would never support legislation that would stand between you, a health insurance plan you liked and your favorite physician.

It’s fair to argue that Warner was not being forthright in his statements. I won’t say he lied, as Pat Mullins does in his press release, because Warner deserves at least the possibility that he really believed what he was saying. Having a clue as to what he was actually voting for is another matter.

I prefer to think of the good Senator approaching the health insurance vote this way…

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