Marcus nomination advances in Senate

Whatever happened to the nomination of Boyd Marcus to Virginia’s ABC board? It won approval in a Senate committee on Tuesday, on a party line vote. But not without a bit of gymnastics:

Sen. Mark Obenshain, R-Harrisonburg, the losing candidate for attorney general last fall, moved to strike Marcus’ name from consideration, saying his actions during the campaign had “the appearance of impropriety.”

Asked if he had any evidence Marcus had done anything illegal, Obenshain said he did not. But he added: “Breaking criminal laws is really the lowest threshold. It is the lowest common denominator. I think that that is an absolute disqualifier. I think, though, that we hold ourselves – and should hold ourselves – to higher standards.”

Which is true (except when it comes to ethics reform). Marcus appears to have done nothing illegal. He made a business decision to switch his political stripes during the recent gubernatorial campaign. That not only rankled the GOP it also, in the eyes of some, had the whiff of a quid pro quo. But good luck proving that.

The real fun, though, comes in watching Democrats rally to Marcus’s defense. Take it away, Creigh:

Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath County, responded that the General Assembly traditionally has given governors wide latitude in their appointments. He called Marcus “more than qualified.”

Yes, tradition. It can be a useful thing. Here it provides cover for Democrats who, for decades, were the objects of Marcus’s scorched earth campaign tactics. The less charitable could say the defense, and approval, of their one-time tormentor shows that Virginia Democrats are in the grip of Stockholm Syndrome.

But this is politics, where everyone is a hostage of one hobgoblin or another. The Governor wants this guy, he’ll get him. Or at least the Senate will give its approval.

The House will not agree.

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