Sarvis running for Senate

It seems Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian candidate for governor in 2013, still has a yen for office. So he’s going to run against Mark Warner:

Sarvis said he will run on a similar platform as last year, including small government, a reduction of spending, legalization of marijuana and allowing same-sex couples to marry.

“Libertarians also want less intervention in foreign policy, so that will be something new for me to focus on,” he said.

Sarvis said he is fully aware that Warner is a popular and well-funded candidate. He said Ed Gillespie, a high-profile contender for the GOP, is another “Washington insider” with a big war chest.

Barring a replay of the nastiness we endured in last year’s campaign, which helped propel Sarvis to levels previously unheard of for a statewide Libertarian candidate in Virginia, it is not likely he will be much of a factor in 2014’s Senate contest.

Still, I’m looking for my hip waders…just in case the tide of bile unleashed on Sarvis at the end of that late, unlamented campaign rise once again.

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