Virginia Catholic Conference Piles On Herring



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Last week, Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring announced he will not defend the Virginia constitution’s one-man/one-woman marriage provision against a lawsuit brought by same-sex couples.  In a highly unusual move, Herring announced that, not only will he walk away from defending the state constitution in this matter, he will actively argue against it in court!

Bishops Loverde and DiLorenzo issued a statement expressing extreme disappointment with the Attorney General’s decision.  Now, the Virginia Catholic Conference asks you to join the bishops, by expressing your disappointment to AG Herring and urging him to reverse course.  Email him (click here) or call his office at 804-786-2071.

Tell the Attorney General his decision dishonors a decisive vote the people of Virginia made in 2006.  Remind him that when he represents the Commonwealth in court his job is to defend the state’s laws, not to actively work to overturn them.

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