Byler’s buddies try the race card

Really? Really?

A few days ago, I wrote an article wondering why Second District Chairman decided to hold his attempted re-election not where he lives on the Eastern Shore and not where he ran for the House of Delegates and lost in Virginia Beach (where most of the district lives) but in Hampton at a location that isn’t even in the Second District.

The convention will be held at Hampton University in the Third District, making it a two-bridge-tunnel trip for Eastern Shore Republicans and a fairly long haul for Virginia Beach, where just last June he was advertising what a good neighbor he is.

Turns out, to question why the Second District Convention isn’t even being held in the Second District makes you a racist.

Note the comments of Byler minion and the Virginian-Pilot’s favorite Norfolk guy Coby Dillard.

Apparently, anyone wanting a district convention to be held in the district means we all oppose historically black colleges.

Really? Not a Mensa candidate are you, Coby?

Of course I have nothing against Hampton University. Hold the third district convention there. But the Second District convention belongs in the Second district.

I thought Team Byler 2013 was a pretty desperate campaign. If this shows what the 2014 version is going to be, they may just top themselves.

Haven’t we had enough of this idiocy?

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