Wexton wins 33rd Senate Special Election

Democrat Jennifer Wexton has handily won the special election in the 33rd Senate district, beating Republican John Whitbeck and independent Joe May 53-37-10 (numbers are rounded).

Wexton rolled-up a big margin in Fairfax county. The Loudoun result was much closer, though Wexton managed to eke-out a win there, too.

As matters stand now, pending the results of the recount in the 6th district, Democrats have retained their two open seats and, through Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam, now have effective control of the Senate. The question becomes whether they flex their muscles and reorganize the Senate to give Democrats control of committees.

Of course, the GOP could still find a way to win the 6th, in which case Republicans would take outright control of the Senate. That remains to be seen. But you can bet your bottom dollar the GOP is hoping for ten votes to materialize, giving Coleman the win.

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