Second District Chairman Byler Disses Virginia Beach and Eastern Shore

What a difference a year makes.

Less than twelve months after losing for the House of Delegates in Virginia Beach under the slogan “Great Neighbor” from his homes in Virginia Beach and the Eastern Shore, Republican Second District Chairman called for his re-election bid to be as far away from there as possible.

“As Chairman of the 2nd Congressional District of the Republican Party of Virginia and pursuant to the Plan of Organization and as recommended and directed by the District Committee, I, Gary Byler, do hereby issue this Call for a District Convention to be held at Robert C. Ogden Hall, Hampton VA, or its alternate site, starting at 1:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 11:00 a.m.”

Hampton made up a whopping 6% of the Republican Second District vote in 2012. Why would a Chairman seeking Re-election hold his re-election in a city that represents a mere 6% of the Republicans in the district?

Hampton is a bridge-tunnel away from Norfolk and Virginia Beach, where 74% of the district Republicans live. It’s two bridge-tunnels and a $12 toll away from the Eastern Shore, home of more Republicans than Hampton.

But to participate in the Second District Chairman’s Gary Byler’s re-election, over 80% of voters will have to cross over bridges and tunnels to vote.

Some neighbor.

It’s a good thing Byler didn’t buy a house in Hampton. We might have had to travel to Nags Head to vote.

Either the Chairman is being very philanthropic in holding the convention so far away from his “neighbors” or being challenged by a Virginia Beach State Senator has him singing the Peninsula Blues.

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