Oscars show their true decadent colors

Wanna win an Oscar? Better get into drugs, alcohol or crime, or all three, to have a chance.

The Best Actor nominees play a drug smuggler, a con artist, an alcoholic, a drug-addicted defrauder of millions and a slave.

Play a captain who heroically survives a pirate capture near Somolia? No, sorry Tom Hanks. No nomination.

Perhaps if Captain Phillips was dealing cocaine on his ship while scamming millions out of poor old widows, the nomination would have been his.

Hollywood was kind of reaching this year. They can nominate up to 10 films, but they could only think of 9 to nominate this year, and many of them were complete bombs.

They threw 3 nominations, including Best Picture, at a hateful film called “Nebraska,” directed by Alexander Payne, who loathes the people of his home-state.

Nebraska’s message? If you live in middle America, you’re either a sex offender, an idiot or a drunk, and likely all three.

Anti-Catholic “comedy”? Nominated. Play a transvestite? Nominated. Have AIDS? Multiple nominations.

Even Meryl Streep had to play a drug addict to get her 18th nomination.

Once again, the Oscars give us a good peek into how they see America.

Thank God it’s not reality.

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