Moran retiring?

It could be the end of a long, weird career for Rep. Jim Moran:

Yes, He’s Out

Roll Call has the statement:

“After 35 years as a public servant, as Mayor of Alexandria, and for the past 23 as a member of the House of Representatives, it’s time to close this chapter of my life and move on to the next challenge.”

The much less charitable side of me has a few ideas of what that “challenge” might be…

But suffice to say that there will be another open seat congressional race in northern Virginia. Given the make-up of the 8th district, though, it’s hard to envision a Republican taking the seat.

For those who know nothing about Moran, Jim Geraghty has a little refresher here.

And that “Paul Reagan” mentioned as Moran’s chief of staff in the article above? Yes, it’s the same Paul Reagan who is now chief of staff to Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

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