Northam’s gracious entrance

NorthamGalaLt. Gov.-elect Ralph Northam will be sworn in tomorrow and took time as a point of personal privilege on his last day as a senator to give the following remarks:

“Lieutenant Governor Bolling and his staff have been absolutely wonderful to work with and gracious with their time and advice in helping prepare me to take on my new role as Lieutenant Governor. It is clear from working with Susan Clarke Schaar, the Clerk of the Senate, and her incredible staff, that I have some big shoes to fill, and I’m grateful to Lieutenant Governor Bolling for his support.

Additionally, I would not be here today without the love and support of my wife, Pam, and my two children, Aubrey and Wes. As I prepare to take my oath as Virginia’s next Lieutenant Governor and preside over the Virginia Senate, I’m looking forward to putting the people’s business above the petty differences that sometimes divide us, while at the same time standing strong and continuing to defend the principles that have defined my time in public office.”

Now, it will be interesting to see if:

1) Northam’s “principles” continue to vilify Republicans, particularly when it comes to issues that he knows protect the safety of women (a “transvaginal” ultrasound – his term – is medically necessary per Planned Parenthood and NARAL in order to ensure a safe abortion is conducted; basic hygiene standards in abortion clinics – the same as in a dental office – is not a “war on women”, etc.)
2) His office will be as open and receptive to new media as Bolling’s. The former LG regularly had bipartisan gatherings for bloggers that introduced “citizen journalists” to Capitol Square issues and he routinely shared his time and thoughts with us on the ongoing debates. Other than press releases (which is more than I can say for Gov.-elect Terry McAuliffe and Atty. Gen.-elect Mark Herring), we’ve had little interaction with the new LG – elected to represent ALL Virginians.
3) If he considers “petty differences” to include such issues that promote public safety, educational choice, healthcare choice, and ensuring government is a good steward of taxpayer dollars.
jackson_northam_shake4) What is his role? Is he merely going to preside over the Senate, or will McAuliffe make him a cabinet member and allow him to represent Virginia on trade missions?
5) If he refuses to acknowledge those he disagrees with, ala the joint appearance he had with EW Jackson on local Hampton Roads TV.

Regardless, as a Virginian, I wish Northam nothing but the best. We’ll certainly be interested in observing, reporting and commenting on his leadership, as we are with McAuliffe and Herring. The question is, will they be receptive to us or continue to keep us at arms-length?

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