JHPolitics: RPV Advance Workshops Emblematic of Serious Issues


Oh RPV… can we please get out of the dark ages:

This weekend, I’ll be traveling to Hot Springs, Virginia for the state GOP’s annual “Advance”. The event, which is styled after a retreat but named differently because “Republicans don’t retreat, we advance” is a big event for Commonwealth politicos. It’s primarily a time for networking, picture taking and thanks to the hospitality suites available, revelry.

All of that being said, it’s also a time for education, as the Republican Party of Virginia organizes a number of workshops intended to instruct activists. Take a look at this year’s workshop list…

…and the list?  How to build a website.  How to be a good unit chair.  Messaging.  Fundraising.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are offering intensive training on how to segment lists based on six years of collected data, intensifying community outreach methods, and targeting core legislation in the General Assembly — namely gun control.

Are we even playing the same game?

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