Virginian-Pilot sadly thinks it matters

I read one of the saddest editorials the other day. The Virginian-Pilot was calling on Governor Bob McDonnell to do something or other about Fort Monroe.

It was one of their more boring diatribes, so I couldn’t stomach more than just skimming it but it was calling on Governor McDonnell to reject the master plan for Fort Monroe.

I imagine their calls are rolling straight to voice mail.

2005 – McDonnell for Attorney General. Virginian-Pilot endorses his opponent.

2009 – McDonnell for Governor. Virginian-Pilot endorses his opponent.

2013 – Virginian-Pilot calls for Governor McDonnell to resign.

Now the Virginian-Pilot wants to tell McDonnell what to do, even though its spent its editorial life trying to keep him out of office and kick him out once he got there?

Today they want McDonnell to keep Pilot editor Don Luzzatto from paying tolls on the Downtown/Midtown tunnels back and forth from his Suffolk home to the Norfolk offices of the Pilot.

The Pilot refuses to acknowledge one of the more obvious truisms in politics – If someone gets in office despite the Pilot’s fervent opposition, you’ve given him very little incentive to take advice from your editorials.

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