Kevin Cuccinelli checks-in for his brother on health care

Over the weekend, a great, short clip was released on Ken Cuccinelli’s Facebook page of his doctor brother, Kevin, making the case for why Ken would make a great governor.

At the time of this posting, 1213 people like the video – hardly the number of people that need to SEE the video…

“How bad does [ObamaCare] need to get before McAuliffe defends Virginians instead of embracing it?” asks Kevin.

The clip was shown to me and Republican Professionals Network Chairman Bruce Meyer Saturday by Kenneth Cuccinelli – Ken and Kevin’s dad. Bruce immediately responded by saying it needed to be cut to a commercial.

I completely agree – this is what we needed to be seeing from the Cuccinelli campaign weeks – maybe even months – ago. Unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case, and it may be too late.

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