Podcast: Despite polls, Mullins sees GOP win November 5; rallies base in Virginia Beach

mullens_virginia_beachPat Mullins, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, appeared in front of a crowd of about 50 activists this morning in Virginia Beach to rally the faithful a scant ten days before Election Day in a crucial swing city in the commonwealth.

Mullins made the case for all three statewide candidates, but also ensured that all GOP candidates – including those running for the House of Delegates and constitutional offices – had their moment in the spotlight, trying to encourage folks to get out and do the last-minute activism he feels is important to winning the election.

Mullins also took the opportunity to make it clear how he feels regarding Virginia Beach Mayor Will Sessoms’, who deviated from party orthodoxy by endorsing Democratic candidate for governor, Terry McAuliffe. Mullins declared that it was important to elect Republicans to city constitutional offices, despite the actions of the “Republican” mayor, he said.

The party chairman’s remarks though clearly we meant to solidify the base in an election he feels will be a nail-biter and will be characterized by low turnout.

“For the next ten days were not moderates or conservatives,” said Mullins to the crowd. “If we turnout, we’ll win.”

Depending on which poll you look at, it appears the statewide ticket Is facing a serious headwind, and Mullins job was try to keep party spirits high. He took the opportunity to throw out red meat to the loyalists about President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and even John McCain. He also pushed back on the so-called meme of the “war on women,” by pointing out some of the serious economic adversity that women will face because of policies enacted by the liberal federal government.

But Mullins job today was to ensure that folks are ready to get out the vote.

I had the chance to catch up with the chairman following his remarks to talk about the polls, solidifying the base, what to expect out of Lieutenant Governor Bill Bolling, what is Cuccinelli’s message, and elaborate on the plan for the last few days.

In the interview, Mullins said that he sees the polls as flawed because of the turnout models being used and that the election is actually dead-even and that the base is coming together – along with a hidden base of faith and 2nd amendment voters that could swing the election in the Republicans’ favor. He sees the GOP winning at least two of the three statewide seats; and if the turnout is less than 35, the GOP will win overall. Of course, we wouldn’t expect him to say anything less.

Listen to the podcast:

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