They’d make McDonnell resign for what McAuliffe did

I am shocked that no one else is shocked!

How numb can political insiders, editorial boards and anyone else paying attention be to ignore this.

Terry McAuliffe profited from a scam to steal identities of terminally ill people and use them to buy fake policies that paid off when the patients eventually died.

If it was Bob McDonnell’s name in that paragraph instead of McAuliffe’s, there’d be front page scandal headlines. Every newspaper in the Commonwealth would be urging McDonnell to resign.

But it’s a Democrat.

Not a drop of ink from any editorial boards in Virginia who have endorsed McAuliffe. Not one withdrawn endorsement from any Democrat.

McAuliffe invested in a scheme to falsify insurance documents and investments through identity theft of people on their deathbeds and made a nice, big profit doing so.

And then he chose not to disclose his windfall.

If you profited from the deaths of the terminally ill through fake insurance bought with stolen identities, the Virginia Press thinks you should be Governor, but only if you’re a Democrat.

I’m flabbergasted that the press is covering this up. I’m insulted that not one editorial board is even raising a concern about this.

They should be retracting their endorsements right now, because everyone with a brain knows that if McDonnell had done this, they’d want his resignation yesterday.

Hypocrisy, thy name is the press.

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