Mark Warner and Tim Kaine – Responsible for Government Shutdown

Gotta go back to November of 2009 to find the last time the United States Senate passed an Appropriations Bill.

What’s an Appropriations Bill? There are 12 of them per year. They are “the federal budget” – It’s not like Virginia with one vote on “the budget.” It’s these 12 bills that fund the federal government.

And the Senate hasn’t even voted on even one since 2009.

Check it out here.

Virginia’s US Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine have failed in passing a budget appropriations bills, despite being such budget wizards they both made the Budget Committee in their first terms.

Somehow, these Budget Senators remain remarkably silent on why they can’t pass a single Appropriations Bill and can’t seem to convince their fellow Democrats to bring even one to a vote on the Senate Floor.

Mark Warner is complaining about the House Continuing Resolution but has been silent on his failure to pass Appropriations bills that would’ve kept government open and then there wouldn’t even be a CR.

Tim Kaine brags that he voted for a bill to keep government open a few weeks, but is silent on his failure to pass any appropriations bills that would fund government for the whole year.

Who is shutting the government down? Democrats like Mark Warner and Tim Kaine who refuse to pass any of the 12 Appropriations bills.

That’s where Continuing Resolutions come from!

Government isn’t shut down due to a fight over what a Continuing Resolution says. A Continuing Resolution wouldn’t even be drafted if the Senate would pass its Appropriations Bills.

And Senate Budget Committee members Warner and Kaine sit idly by while 12 Appropriations bills sit in the Senate unvoted and gathering dust.

12 Appropriations bills. Until the Senate passes them, we are forced to run the government on these silly Continuing Resolutions like we have since 2009 and watch silly fights like we’re seeing in Washington now.

Warner. Kaine. Do your job. 12 appropriations bills. Pass them!

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