Democrats begin unloading their oppo research on E.W. Jackson

I understand that the press (and I’m looking at you, Politico) has been fed a chapter from the Democratic opposition research file on E.W. Jackson. And intends to run with it.

The story comes out of Boston, and deals with Jackson’s family, specifically his daughter and a tiff she had with a former room-mate.

The press is interested. Why wouldn’t it be? Salacious stories, even if unfounded, make for good copy.

The question is why the oppo dump now? And why make the first thing out of the file an attack on Jackson’s daughter?

A few things comes to mind. First, it appears as though the narrative that Jackson was never an electoral threat is over. Our own poll shows the contest between him and Ralph Northam is wide open. That has to be a shock to the system. Plus, with the Cuccinelli/McAuliffe race narrowing to a dead heat, and the Obenshain/Herring race strongly favoring the Republican, Democrats need something to turn the tide.

What better way to do so than smack E.W. around? The undecideds in that race are big enough, and their understanding of the candidate low enough, that any old hit should do. Even if it’s against E.W.’s family.

And let’s not forget that the candidates will be debating tomorrow at George Mason University. Want to knock your opponent off his game? Go after his kids.

A party confident of its chances in November would not feel the need to go after Jackson in such a manner. Then again, when the comforting narrative begins to unravel, the first, best option is to go the full Clinton, and resort to the “politics of personal destruction.”

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