McDonnell, Republicans Increase Teacher Pay above National Average


The Virginia Education Association must be completely confused.

For years, the union has begged and pleaded Democrats to pay teachers in Virginia a salary higher than the National Average.

Tim Kaine said nah. Mark Warner said eh? Democrat Dick Saslaw combed his hair again and just ran the Senate his way.

And the VEA endorsed all of them, and a whole lot of Democrats along the way.

Republican Bob McDonnell and the Republican House of Delegates and Senate actually delivered for teachers.

Federal numbers show that Virginia’s teachers are paid more than the national average…According to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics released this week, Virginia elementary school teachers receive average annual wages of $58,510, compared with a national average of $56,130. Middle school teachers in Virginia are paid average annual wages of $58,180, compared with a national average of $56,280. And secondary school teachers in the state receive average annual wages of $60,180, compared with the national average of $57,770.

The latest figures are from May 2012 and are based on the federal Occupational Employment Statistics survey. (Virginian-Pilot)

When hearing the news, was the head of the teachers’ union happy? Was she overjoyed? Did she offer kudos to the Republicans who made the VEA’s long-sought goal finally a reality?

Nope! She just said they need more money because it still wasn’t enough.

Guess when the VEA talked about wanting Virginia teachers to make more than the national average, they were only kidding. It was just a talking point. Now, they’ll just come up with another one.

You’d think the VEA would have a big press conference and throw a party for the victory of this major accomplishment and thank Governor McDonnell and Republicans for finally making it happen.

Nope. The VEA just endorsed Democrats all over Virginia.

The only Party they’re interested in is the Democrat one.

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