Dammit Terry McAuliffe Policy Folks… You’re Trying To Get My Attention (In a Good Way)


So there’s this tax calculator… which of course isn’t a calculator — just a big ol’ punch to the face.



It had this diamond.

Terry will work to keep property taxes low by opposing unfunded mandates on localities.

Virginians can’t afford to have their property taxes increased as a result of irresponsible budget choices made in Richmond. As governor, Terry will work to ensure that legislators live within their means and stop passing down unfunded mandates on local governments that force them to raise taxes.

Damn you, McAuliffe staffers.  I like that idea.

really like that idea.

Maybe we could arrive at some bi-partisan epiphany that will actually put a moratorium on unfunded mandates to localities?  Hopefully so… but folks, this is a big deal if T-Mac is committing as a campaign promise to slam the brakes on unfunded mandates to localities.  I could go on and on… but this is good reform.

Between this and SOQ funding, McAuliffe has had two really good ideas.  The rest, mind you, is bloviating nonsense… but if McAuliffe decides education reform his his brass ring, and Cuccinelli decides to back down on education reform as a platform?

How I would love to see the Virginia gubernatorial race settle on education reform as the big debate.  Please please please, throw us into that brier patch.

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