Realtors and sour grapes

News arrives that the Virginia Association of Realtors has bestowed its endorsement upon the three Democratic statewide candidates. The reasoning? They all understand the housing market.

The real reason? Property rights. Or at least that’s so for Ken Cuccinelli and Mark Obenshain have both been prominent backers of property rights legislation. Democrat Ralph Northam voted for the property rights amendment in 2012. But that can be overlooked, because he’s running against that entirely dangerous person, E.W. Jackson.

The Realtors, among others, never liked that Cuccienlli and Obenshain were front and center on the property rights fight. I can recall seeing this scrap of paper, which made the rounds at a committee hearing on the property rights amendment in 2009. Among the list of amendment opponents? The Virginia Association of Realtors (with an assist from the NoVa Realtors group) and the home builders association:


The Realtor PAC’s endorsement, then, is simple payback.

photo credit: SMcGarnigle via photopin cc

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