So If Jackson Is Rubber, Is McAuliffe Glue?

McAuliffe woohRemember all that leftist hyperventilation about LG nominee E.W. Jackson’s filings?

I wonder if the Dems will have a similar panic attack over this?

According to Mr. Webster, “Neither the McAuliffe Campaign nor the Democratic Party of Virginia bothered to send a representative to the State Board Elections (SBE) Hearing in Richmond despite being informed by the SBE that they were accused of serious election law violations.” The hearing was held in the General Assembly Building House Hearing Room on Friday at 10:00 AM.

Is this noncompliance mere administrative sloppiness or is it more intentional bending of the rules by McAuliffe, the former Chairman of Green Tech Automotive? The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs are currently investigating Green Tech for allegedly receiving preferential treatment from the Department of Homeland Security in the nation’s controversial EB-5 visa program that allows wealthy foreigners who invest at least $500,000 in high unemployment areas to be fast-tracked into the country.

In his letter to the Board of Elections, Mr. Webster also raised questions about the propriety of the McAuliffe Campaign not being required to endorse publicly the mud slinging “attack ads” against Mr. McAuliffe’s Republican opponent being aired by the Democratic Party of Virginia (DPVA). The McAuliffe Campaign recently transferred $2.5M+ to the DPVA ostensibly to pay for the attack ads. As pointed out in a recent Washington Times article, this approach would disassociate Mr. McAuliffe from the negative attack ads, even though he paid for them, and allow him and his campaign to appear to be “positive” in their public messages.

Read the rest over at Farifax Free Citizen.

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