RTD: Bolling Continues To Flirt With Write-In Candidacy


By this point, Cuccinelli looks like a porcupine with the number of knives Bolling has driven into his back:

“Perhaps we could just stipulate that Ken Cuccinelli is a right-wing ideologue and Terry McAuliffe is a guy who has spent more time in Washington than Virginia,” he said. “Perhaps we could just stipulate those things and move on” to jobs, the economy, education, transportation and health care, he said.

Thanks for that, Bill…

You can read the rest here, but don’t get your hopes up that Bolling is going to live up to his “let’s campaign on issues rather than whine about how I didn’t get the nomination negative campaigning” motif:

“I’ll just say this — ‘Bolling’ is a lot easier to spell than ‘Murkowski.’ ”

I could think of a number of descriptives easier to spell than Bolling… but alas, that’s probably giving it more thought than required.

UPDATE:  Meanwhile, my erstwhile colleague and partner in fighting ignorance Norm Leahy has some interesting thoughts:

It’s a toxic combination of vanity and ignorance. Mr. Bolling chose not to offer voters that third option. But one exists in Robert Sarvis, the Libertarian candidate for governor.

Unlike Bolling, Sarvis invested the time and effort to get on the November ballot. He is doing everything a candidate needs to do to win votes — making the rounds, shaking hands…all while being excluded from the major party debates (for more on that travesty, check out Bart Hinkle).

Sarvis — to his credit — is doing his utmost to get the word out.  To his detriment, he all but lifted the Jackson campaign sign and used it for himself…

Jackson should send Sarvis a bill.

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