BREAKING: Del. David Ramadan Calls For Special Session on Ethics Reform


Del. David Ramadan is the first to break ranks with the House GOP.  His press release in full:


Dulles, VA | August 10, 2013 — Delegate David Ramadan (R-87) today released the following statement:

“Nothing is more important to me as an elected official than voters’ trust in their government. Recent events in Richmond have hurt that trust. I believe that we as elected representatives must act -and act quickly- to restore that trust. I believe the best way to start the process is to immediately convene a special session of the General Assembly to re-work Virginia’s ethics and gift giving regulations. We can’t wait any longer, Virginians want resolution, and they want it now.”

Delegate Ramadan represents the 87th House of Delegates District, which includes eastern Loudoun County and western Prince William County. He currently serves on the oldest & newest committees in the House of Delegates: Privileges & Elections (P&E) and Science & Technology (S&T). He serves as the chairman of the P&E Subcommittee on Appointments. Delegate Ramadan is the co-founder and co-chairman of the Business Development Caucus. He also serves on the Northern Virginia Transportation Commission.

I don’t care who you are, that’s a gutsy move right there — especially considering that Ramadan is in a tough primary.  If you want to tell him thank you for his display of intestinal fortitude, click here and make a donation to his campaign.

Way to go, Del. Ramadan!

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