Herring Goes Soft On Ethics

One more reason not to trust this clown.  You can read the PDF for yourself, and of course Herring decries — not McDonnell or Cuccinelli — but oddly enough Mark Obenshain…

“Virginia government is facing an ethics crisis that requires real leadership and meaningful action from elected officials. Mark Obenshain wants to let political calculus determine the state’s accountability. Mark Obenshain made it clear yesterday he will continue Ken Cuccinelli’s politics-first approach,” Herring said. “As Attorney General, I am committed to returning credibility to the office, accountability to our state government and restoring the public trust.”

…but not enough to call for a special session.

Got it.

Fines, increased penalties, more layers, more government, more byzantine regulations and restrictions, a panel of elected officials to watch… you know, elected officials…

Why is it so hard for Herring and the Democrats to just look at the problem and put a moratorium on all gifts?  Why do we need rules and regulations only a lawyer could love or understand?

Just.  Ban.  All.  Gifts.

Until then, any sort of plan is simply windowdressing, and every unwillingness to go into special session to fix the problem belies their lack of sincerity to fix the ethics problem in Richmond.


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