Obamacare lobby effort draws…one volunteer

This is not the kind of launch party Obamacare advocates were hoping for in Virginia. Organizing for Action put together a series of events nationwide to pump the value and need for the health insurance law. It chose President’s birthday (you sent him a card, right?) as the prefect time to get its effort started. The Virginia event was…undersubscribed :

After a scheduling snafu over the start time, a few people showed up and left before it actually started. Just one volunteer stayed to help work the phone bank for the health law, and the event’s organizer bolted after 20 minutes — although he was bound for another Obamacare event, a house party.

To be fair, it was a Sunday in August and most folks had other things to do than staff phone banks. Still, it is amusing to see the mighty OfA stumble in Northern Virginia.

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