WaPo: Star Scientific CEO Co-Operating With Federal Investigation Against McDonnell

Long rumored, Jonnie Williams is indeed co-operating with the federal investigation of Governor McDonnell and Virginia’s First Family:

Legal experts said that if federal prosecutors pursue corruption charges against the Virginia governor, they will probably do so under the Hobbs Act, which prohibits elected officials from taking money or other items of value in exchange for the performance of official duties. To prove a violation of the law, they would have to show that McDonnell agreed to perform official acts for Williams.

Whether McDonnell followed through on those pledges — and whether an action by McDonnell resulted in benefits to Star — would not necessarily matter, experts say. “It’s not necessary under the law” for a payor to have benefitted, said Justin Shur, a lawyer who is the former deputy chief of the Justice Department’s public integrity section.

The key, Shur said, is to prove that an elected official agreed to take some kind of official action in exchange for gifts or loans. “There needs to be a direct connection between the two,” Shur said.

Read the rest here.

As before, this is a situation that McDonnell has chosen to fight out as Governor of the Commonwealth — and not as a citizen.  Insofar as Virginia’s treasures and offices are being used to defend the McDonnells, I have very little sympathy for this.

One other tidbit?  The calls for resignation have not demurred one iota.  In fact, they seem to be on the increase as folks do digging for themselves.  The rumor mill in Richmond has been smoky at best… and the scandal is certainly blunting any sort of critique of Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe.

So how long does this last?  Just long enough to hurt Cuccinelli?  Or long enough to save someone’s skin at taxpayer expense?

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